S3E13 - The Flame Goes Out

10 months ago
Speaker A:

Welcome to namegivers, an earth dawn actual play podcast. So, last time we ended mid combat round, so we left in. I made sure to leave a note that made it look like that because it was over a month ago. And who is left is Gareth and Linstadt on one, as usual. Yeah. So I don't know if you remember what you were going to do, Gareth, but let's try to have at it. I'm going to see if I can pull up.

Speaker B:

I actually kind of remembered what I was. I was looking at my stuff to try and, well, basically maximize my round.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

But God help me, I can't remember what everything does is my problem.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So there was three of them, we'll say within. You could at least combat move towards them. One of them has been hit a couple times. Okay. Once quite hard by. I think it was Faye. And then another one hit a couple times by Navit. Okay. Oh, are there any in the fire? Is a good question.

Speaker B:

All right. Looks like the books left off on. I left my books on where I wanted to. It seemed I wanted to do something with waterfall slam, because I actually don't do that one much.

Speaker A:

Okay, let's look that up, because it's been a while for me too. Let's see. Believe that's something. When you want to guarantee a knockdown.

Speaker B:

The adept powers his blows with the elemental power of water, overwhelming his target with the force of rushing waves. When the adept causes a wound in close combat, the target must make a knockdown test, even if the damage caused would not normally trigger the test. The adept's waterfall slam rank is added to the difficulty number for any attacks that cause the target to make a knockdown test. The adept may also use this talent to increase the difficulty number when using the attack to knock down option.

Speaker A:

Okay, so in the case of this, you'd be declaring you're going to do waterfall slam, take the strain point, and if you do a wound, then it kicks in to do its special stuff. I'm going to double check to see if there's anything in the notes of this creature to see if there's anything special about using something like a waterfall slam. Because that's possible.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I was going to say it mentions elemental force of water, so I'm hoping with the fire creatures, I also have elemental tongue flame. Are they saying anything that I might understand?

Speaker A:

Not that you could tell. I think you have to use your action to do that too.

Speaker B:

Okay. No, I'm not going to waste my action on that.

Speaker A:

It may even be more than an action. I can't remember how long it takes. That might be a sustained thing, but, yeah, probably mostly equivalent of die, die, die, though, you would imagine. Consume.

Speaker B:

And of course, I want to do. If I can do focus strike, crush, and blow. Just my usual. Trying to actually be decent in combat.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I do see something about elemental stuff in here, but it's not specifically around water. But that means it's not going to be immune to water. You at least know that.

Speaker B:

Okay, so I will. Come on, take the strain. The waterfall slam. And then it doesn't say I can't. I do have to check focus, right, which is in the mythic book.

Speaker A:

Yeah, you can use other things in addition to it. There's usually a rule of three on these kinds of things. No more than three sources of whatever. So, waterfall slam and focus strike. And something else.

Speaker B:

Okay. Focus strike channels energy to devastating attack enhancing, unique energy manifestation. Blah, blah, blah. Okay. Adept as focus strike, stepped damage test results cannot already have made an attack. Okay. This can be combined with other damaging, such as body control and crushing blow, which I have both, actually.

Speaker A:

Okay, you can use one other, then, I think. I don't know if that rule of three actually applies to this kind of stuff, but I think if it makes sense. Get up at this level.

Speaker B:

Let's see.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, focus Drake can only be used on first attack of the round. So if you had a second attack, you can't use it. I don't think it keeps you from making a second attack, though. Some of them do that.

Speaker B:

And do I want to do crushing blue, or do I want to just do body control?

Speaker A:

Well, body control is your damager. That's what you always use. That's your equivalent to claw shape. Right.

Speaker B:

Okay, crushing blow. I may substitute crushing blow step for my strength step on a damage test.

Speaker A:

Yes. So what you're going to do then is when you get to your damage, you'd be adding your crushing blow to your body control.

Speaker B:

Okay, so I can do focus strike and waterfall slam, and then I can do body control and crush and blow?

Speaker A:

Yeah, because body control is the actual damaging thing. It's not the enhancement.

Speaker C:

Okay, cool.

Speaker B:

Okay, that sounds doable.

Speaker A:

Sounds like a lot of strain, but that sounds good.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Crushing blow is a strain, and your.

Speaker A:

Focus strength is strain.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I don't know anything about using lots of strain.

Speaker B:

Okay, so let me do that. So, two strands, waterfall blow, and focused strike.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Okay. Now, the question is, what the hell do I.

Speaker A:

So, all of that choices you have is basically either one that hasn't been damaged or one that has been damaged.

Speaker B:

I meant dice, but.

Speaker A:

Oh, that too.

Speaker B:

Let's go for the one that's been undamaged.

Speaker A:

Undamaged. Okay.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

One of the two. There's three of them, but there are two that are undamaged. Right? So I will just randomly choose one.

Speaker B:

The closest one. I'm assuming they're all kind of equal in distance.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I can't remember if one of them had not reached folks yet, but if it hadn't, it was on the way there.

Speaker C:

I think the one was right at the shore and was, like, on shore attacking Pam, and then the other two were just, like. They couldn't quite make it there. But they were close.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I think they attacked from a distance. Maybe because they did fire with a whip that can go within 30 yards, it says. Okay, that's a long whip.

Speaker C:

That is a long whip.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that is. Okay, so focus strike step is ranked, plus will. Okay.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So I'm going to be using focus strike, and if I hit and whatever, then I do the waterfall. Okay.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Let me look up focus strike. I forgot I was going to do that. See if that's because otherwise you'd be rolling your. What is it? Unarmed combat is what you normally roll.

Speaker B:

Focus strike. The adept adds their focus strike stuff to the damage test result.

Speaker A:

Oh, so that's damage test. So, no, you'd have to do your unarmed combat first. Okay, this is a reminder. This system, you have to determine whether you hit or not first before damage.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's been a while. I couldn't remember what I needed to roll dice wise.

Speaker A:

And you can use karma, of course, with it.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Right? I don't know if you have more than one source of karma for that one, but I can't remember either.

Speaker B:

I know I have Earth skin. No crushing door, no navigate, no setied counter. That's the one that lowers me awareness. Okay, so, yeah, just a plain karma on step 14 here.

Speaker A:

So, one thing. It's been a while, so I'll give you this one fifth circle. You have this thing called elemental stance. So you can declare a stance. You spend one strain, you gain plus two to your unarmed attack test, and unarmed damage. And your physical armor. Or mystic armor, whichever one.

Speaker B:

Oh, nice.

Speaker A:

Wait, the way that's worded, you gain plus two to one of those things, I guess. To your unarmed attack. Unarmed damage. Physical armor or mystic armor. The way the commas work, it sounds like only one of those. But the trade off is you can only make one attack test in that round. Where you use it.

Speaker B:

That's fair. So that sounds good, actually.

Speaker A:

And you do have the ability to use a point of karma on damage. Unarmed attack damage. Not the attack itself, but the damage. So beyond all those other extras you're getting, you're going to be getting karma for damage too.

Speaker B:

Okay, cool. So let me declare that I'm going to take an elemental stance, which means I'm going to be taking a. Wait a minute. It would only be two strain right now because water. Well, one strain from. No, I'm just doing unarmed combat right now because I'm not adding in anything in yet.

Speaker A:

Yeah, you don't have to declare the others until you hit. I don't think so. You can take the one strain for elemental stance.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Add plus two to something. I'm assuming unarmed attack test might make the most sense.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So that'll be 16 and then karma. But it sounds like I can add karma again. So double karma in this case.

Speaker A:

No, the other karma is for damage.

Speaker B:

Damage. Okay, so 16 plus karma.

Speaker A:

23 back over to. Oh, you're in the test dice.

Speaker B:

I am.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Roll the regular dice. We'll take the higher of the two.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Just so we make up here. All right, 23. All right, 23. I just got to pull up the stats here so that will hit no extra successes though. Okay, so now you can do your waterfall slam. Well, do your body control with a waterfall slam and focus straight crushing blow combo.

Speaker B:

Good grief.

Speaker A:

Take all that stream.

Speaker B:

Right, so waterfall and focused and crushing blow. Those are all strain.

Speaker A:

Yes. Focus stroke.

Speaker B:

Okay, so one, two, three. This is where I was confused on what I rolled then.

Speaker A:

So this take your body control. It should have a step. Okay. Yeah, add your. Is it crushing blow. Is that the. No. Focus strike. Focus strike adds to the step.

Speaker B:

To the damage result. Okay.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that adds four to the. Sorry. Focus rate. Adds to the step. So by replacing.

Speaker B:

Move it up again by replacing strength.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Wait, no, I think the replacing one is crushing blue. This one just says adept adds their focus strike step to a damage test result.

Speaker A:

Wow. Okay, that doesn't happen often. All right, so that one, you don't have to roll anything. You're just adding it to the number, which is pretty cool.

Speaker C:

Okay, that doesn't happen often.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Yeah, so that means my body control goes from a. Does it say, okay, result. So I roll the step 17 with karma because my elemental stance, and I just add four to what I get.

Speaker A:

Well, you had the crushing blow one though, right?

Speaker B:

Yeah, I planned on doing that as well. That one. Substitute the crushing step for the strength step on a damage test.

Speaker A:

All right. So your crushing blow should have an action dice sort of thing, or step, which is going to. That step is going to be strength plus your rank in that. So basically just replace this. Wait, that would be more confusing. So, no, take the rank in it and add that to your body control, whatever you're doing for your body control.

Speaker B:

Okay, so 17 plus eight.

Speaker A:

There you go. We got there. Yeah. 25.

Speaker B:

Okay. 25.

Speaker A:

You can use karma twice the karma if you want.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Because one for body control and one for unarmed damage. Right. 26. All right. And you are using focus strike. So you get an extra, what, four on that?

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

That's an effect of 30. So 30 minus armor. All right.

Speaker B:

I'm mildly annoyed. I'm rolling 25 and I get a 26.

Speaker A:

Yes. So that is a wound. I think, because of your waterfall slam, it has a more difficult time doing knockdown test. Right. Let me look at that. That's where I'm going to bring that up.

Speaker B:

That's in the baseball.

Speaker A:

That's not how you spell waterfall. There we go. Okay. So they must make a knockdown test, even if it didn't normally trigger the test. And your waterfall slam rank. What's your rank?

Speaker B:

My waterfall slam. A rank is eight.

Speaker A:

Eight. So eight is added to its difficulty to stay up. So I just got to do a little bit of math here. Wow. It's going to have a difficult time. All right, roll on a step nine and open for, like a 23. Oh, shoot. Nine for nine. No, it is going to fall down. Describe your attack. And with the waterfall slam and all that, because it's going to knock it over.

Speaker B:

Okay. As it's coming towards you see Gareth kind of slip into a sort of fluid stance as. Despite the fact that we're in an elemental area of fire, as he moves his hands around to ready the strike, water seems to shimmer and coalesce from the very air itself and into his hands as he unleashes this punch, as the thing rears in to attack him and just sends it flying back and flat onto its ass.

Speaker A:

Nice. All right, blindstad, what are you doing?

Speaker C:

Okay, he's going to roll a d.

Speaker B:

Four, get a 53 and kill the thing.

Speaker C:

I am not.

Speaker B:

You're right, sir. You're going to roll the D six and get a 54 and then kill the thing.

Speaker C:

I'm going to do a spell casting.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

31 to hit.

Speaker A:

All right. And so that's against mystic defense. Yes. That is two extra successes.

Speaker C:

Okay, excellent. And question for you, Rob. Yeah, I am using which one are.

Speaker A:

You targeting, by the way?

Speaker C:

It's actually an area effect.

Speaker A:

Okay, so at least one of them is three extra successes. What would that do? Is it the highest mystic defense?

Speaker C:

Highest, yes.

Speaker A:

Okay, so, yeah, two extra successes because the one was on the ground.

Speaker C:

Right. Okay, so this one is basically you huck a rock and it explodes. Can I use the shards on that or no.

Speaker A:

Oh, it sounds like a missile spell.

Speaker C:

It totally is. I literally pick a rock up and.

Speaker A:

Throw it at it. I mean, Earth darts counts as this. So does this bitch.

Speaker B:

Empty. Yeet.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Anything that's missile based projectile magic, I think it was, yeah, you just toss some bones in with it.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Or bone shards in this case.

Speaker C:

I got to do some extra math here. So I can use two of those, which is plus four. Okay. Step 51.

Speaker A:

Good. Joking.

Speaker C:

And I will throw karma on it because I can.

Speaker A:

Because will force.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

And it's a horror construct. Or horror.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I mean. I mean, when you have karma, use it, right?

Speaker C:

Dang right.

Speaker A:

Especially in this game. All right. Okay.

Speaker C:

And their knockdown effect is actually against that number minus the armor.

Speaker A:

Okay, so I got to calculate. I'll just calculate the damage first, because three of them in range, each of them gets that, they're going to have to do knockdown. Now, what is it about knockdown?

Speaker C:

It's basically whatever damage they take. It's against that. It's not minus their wound threshold.

Speaker A:

Okay. Yeah, I don't think they're going to do much, but. All right. Especially with a knockdown step of now eight for at least one of them. Eight, nine. One's got eight as well. No one's getting any 52s. Surprise, surprise. One of them is already knocked down, so why am I even rolling that? Yeah, exactly. Let me check some numbers here. I got to do some mathing.

Speaker C:

Thank you for that.

Speaker B:

He's already in a crater.

Speaker A:

And the crater gets right, so, yeah, describe your attack. And one of them, the first one that Navith and Faye hit, will be dying in some spectacular fashion. The other two are still alive. Okay.

Speaker C:

So Lindstat, like, grabs a rock off the ground. He's like, no. And he throws it out, and a couple of little bone shards detach from his belt and go with it. And it kind of lands in the middle of the two, and when it hits where he wants it, it actually just, like, explodes into shrapnel. And the shrapnel tears one of them literally into little bits, and the other two have, like, chunks missing from them.

Speaker A:

Okay, interesting. Now that I'm just thinking of this area of effect. Does this affect anyone else, or is this.

Speaker C:

No, it does if I screw up.

Speaker A:

If you what?

Speaker C:

If I screw up.

Speaker A:

Oh, I see. So if you got something wrong, you would affect your allies if I lopped.

Speaker C:

It right onto Navith. Oh, yeah. It would totally mess her up, too.

Speaker A:

Okay, so you can target it. All right.

Speaker C:

Luckily, they're not right on her because they use flame whips.

Speaker A:

Yes. We're okay there and around. So let us do. I got a new role here. Okay, we'll start with Faye.

Speaker C:

Not one.

Speaker D:

All right.

Speaker A:

One is up and on the shore and now destroyed the ground. Yeah, there's another one that's destroyed now. I guess it exploded into a puff of smoke kind of thing. Navit's down to the ground having nap, and Gareth just hosed one of them.

Speaker D:

Perfect. So I'll move into. Did I literally close my character sheet? No, I did not. I'll move into the one that's still up, because why not?

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker D:

And do the normal.

Speaker A:

Yes. So I need to tell you the number of successes, not extra successes on this. What does it anticipate? Blow.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Maneuver or both?

Speaker D:

We get to do both because we went first. Let me make sure I take my strain.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Double check how. Okay, I'm good. And we can use ampersand.

Speaker A:

Ah. Okay. 17 against the one that was standing up.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Wait, no misses. Sorry, wrong defense.

Speaker D:

I'm looking. I've got two wounds, so I'm not going to be very effective.

Speaker A:

Yeah. 16 is also going to miss.

Speaker D:

That's my maneuver.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Cool. The real deal.

Speaker D:

Melee weapons. Help me out again. Really hurting here.

Speaker A:

21. Elay it, though.

Speaker D:

No extra bonus or no bonus?

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

All right.

Speaker A:

No, just a straight old regular success.

Speaker D:

All right, so my spear is flaming.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

So that was a flat five on top of whatever I do.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I think so. I think we just ruled it was that instead of having to figure out an extra d eight or whatever it is.

Speaker D:

So, again, that is 16 plus five. So 21 damage.

Speaker A:

Oh, I meant plus five steps, actually.

Speaker D:

Okay. Sorry.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's not a flat damage thing. It's a step thing. So, yeah, roll step 17, and we'll take the best of the two.

Speaker D:

All right.

Speaker A:

Don't forget. That's slightly better. All right, I will work that out. You were techno on standing up, so that was no wounds or anything like that.

Speaker C:

How is it standing up, Rob? I thought it got knocked down by the thing.

Speaker A:

Oh, right. That one was knocked down. So let me think. That's at a negative two. Was it on the ground, negative two or negative three? Lidstat?

Speaker D:

Knock one down.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:


Speaker B:

I knocked one down, and he exploded them down. And good time.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So the one I'm assuming you're attacking was the one that wasn't damaged by anyone except for Linsta. Sure is the way I took it. So it doesn't affect anything because you would still not get any extra successes, unfortunately.

Speaker D:

Fair enough.

Speaker A:

I don't think.

Speaker D:

Second weapon.

Speaker A:

What did you hit with? It was with 21. No, that's not enough. I need one more than that to give it away. Yeah. Next up is slow down. Sorry.

Speaker D:

Second weapon.

Speaker A:

Second weapon.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

All right. Yeah. Describe your attack, too. Let's go with that.

Speaker D:

Faye kind of limps over, tries to stab the guy on the ground, and the first one goes through a little bit, but she's a little off balance.

Speaker A:

Yep. And I'm guessing in the second attack whiffs completely.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

And I know Navith is sleeping right now, but Navit, you're knocked out, but as you get the last. What is it? Strain that took you out. What is it?

Speaker D:

Yeah, it was strain. It was strain from doing my big attack. I did exactly the amount of strain to knock me unconscious. Glorious.

Speaker A:

As you fall unconscious, you feel like you land in some grass, and you're awake. You look around, and you're kind of in the middle of a forest. There's a campfire. It's kind of nighttime.

Speaker D:

This is not where I just was.

Speaker A:

And you're noticing the trees around you. While at first it looks like normal leaves, you notice that actually they are a green flame, not green leaves.

Speaker D:

Oh. Am I dead? Whoa. Wonder if Winfat's going to bring me back.

Speaker B:

Question you have to ask is as what.

Speaker A:

Your voice. And it says. Floranuous.

Speaker D:

Yes. Floranuous am I?

Speaker A:

And then out of the fire, you see a windling. But it's similar to the windling you've seen before. The flaming one that was dancing around the fire. Except this one. The fire is loud and raging and angry looking.

Speaker D:

Uhoh. Are you mad at me?

Speaker A:

Those abominations must be eliminated from the earth. Don't you agree?

Speaker D:

Well, I was trying to do that, and now I think I'm dead.

Speaker A:

You're not dead.

Speaker D:

Oh, that's good. I didn't want to be dead. Really?

Speaker A:

Go destroy them for me.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

And you don't get healed or anything, and this is a player choice. How many devotion points do you have right now?

Speaker D:

Let me just check that. Okay, those are on page I currently have 16.

Speaker A:

Okay, so you can spend ten devotion points to wake up. You don't gain any health back, but you won't pass out again until you hit your death rating.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

You have to focus on killing these things. That's basically if you deviate from that, you'll pass out.

Speaker D:

Okay, I will spend my ten.

Speaker A:

You're going to be allowed to spend devotion points on every action that is needed to do this too.

Speaker D:

Okay? Knock myself out in 2 seconds or kill myself.

Speaker A:

No, that's why also. But also, if you run out of devotion points, you'll fall asleep. You'll pass out again. So the rest of you, what you see is Navith bursts into flames and it's.

Speaker C:

That's not creepy at all.

Speaker A:

Yeah, no, sparkling.

Speaker B:

That's not concerning.

Speaker A:

Sparkling, golden, raging flames and gets up. I don't know, Navit, what do you want to do?

Speaker B:

Well, that's ominous.

Speaker D:

Because underneath her armor, she always has on sort of like flowing bits of different colored of flame fabric. Her dress is just made out of that, and she wears her armor over it. All of a sudden, she's lying on the ground. She's knocked herself out cold, sound asleep, having those wonderful dreams. All of a sudden, just. The fire explodes up. It's not that big. She's a windling. But still the golden, sparkling flames come up. And then she rises up from it. And her eyes are white with the white flames. That hot, hot, hot flame. And she's just staring straight up at the abomination sort of above her because she was on the ground.

Speaker B:

Is her hair sticking straight up and out?

Speaker D:

It's not sticking straight up, but it's like doing like that sort of wavy upwards thing.

Speaker C:

Oh, man. Is it doing like a.

Speaker D:

Kind of. Because, like, fire. It's not sticking straight up. Because fire doesn't stick straight up. But it's got that fire thing. Like, everything about her is kind of fire right now. Even her wig looks sort of fiery.

Speaker B:

White eyes, golden flames hair.

Speaker D:

Even her claws are kind of fiery right now. And I actually don't understand what you just said. Super Saiyan Dragon Ball Z never watched it.

Speaker B:

Please tell me I'm not the only one who has.

Speaker D:

I knew what her claws even.

Speaker B:

Thank you.

Speaker D:

Even her claws are like sort of flickery as she looks up at it.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I'll give you the free get up. Although you have the cat's grace, you can get up anyways. And because the Wraiths are coming right after you, I'll say they're kind of getting up at the same time. So you are getting up to toe to toe to them kind of thing.

Speaker D:

Okay, am I able to attack or.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I'll give you an action.

Speaker D:

Okay. I am certainly not going to use claw frenzy. Yeah, because I would just kill myself again.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

Do you want me to die?

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

But we still want you to use claw Francis. Yeah, to be fair, I could use it and not die.

Speaker C:

You could just use less of.

Speaker B:

I mean, she. It is mechanically possible, but I don't think Navith would.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

13 points.

Speaker D:

So she's jumping up at them. She's going to do five points of claw frenzy. Okay, so that's six attacks altogether because there's the base one, and then the other three.

Speaker A:

Right, right, the other six.

Speaker D:

Five. Okay, five. Okay, so now I just have to do the math thing. So it's unarmed combat first, right?

Speaker B:

Brought to you by math.

Speaker D:

Oh, yeah. Claffrenzy and unarmed are actually the exact same, so it doesn't matter.

Speaker A:

And at least one of these, y'all have to add a devotion point. I'm not going to make you do it for every clever thing.

Speaker D:

No, I'm not going to do one for everyone. I would pass out instantly. So I'll just roll the six that the roll one and then roll.

Speaker A:

Yeah, and then roll the other. Okay.

Speaker D:

So I can just add the one point to it, and it just counts as using one. An extra.

Speaker A:

Yeah, an extra karma, basically, is the way you retrieve.

Speaker D:

Okay, so that'll be first one. Let me just see if I can remember how to type this stuff. Right. Ampersand.

Speaker A:

Yeah, ampersand. And then there'll be the x for times. How many times?

Speaker D:

Yeah, well, I'm doing the first one.

Speaker A:

Not for the first one, but, yeah.

Speaker D:

Which has karma and the devotion. Devotion. So 19 to hit for that one.

Speaker A:

That hits it. Just barely, but it hits it.

Speaker D:

And then I said I was going to do five more ampersand, and it was times five.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

16 times five. And I'm not using the devotion on that.

Speaker A:

No, you don't need to. You'd pass out because you only have, like, five more left.

Speaker C:

Yeah, but you can use your own karma.

Speaker D:

I did.

Speaker A:

Oh, shit. The 16 misses. Roll damage on the one.

Speaker D:

So close. So does that use up all the karma or. No, it just used the one karma on it.

Speaker A:

Just the one? Yeah.

Speaker D:

Okay, that's a good point. So I use the first karma, and then the first karma.

Speaker A:

You would stop after the first one.

Speaker D:

Okay. So I can just look at the other ones and cry. So that would be damage is the claw stripes damage 19. And I'll add one karma to that. Actually, I will add a karma and a devotion point.

Speaker A:

Yeah. 17. Okay.

Speaker D:

Oh, that's painful.

Speaker A:

I'm going to choose one of them in a random mirror. 17 layers, armor. And what are we at here? So describe your attack. This one's going to be looking rough. However, a fire Wraith thingy can look rough.

Speaker B:

Buttering and spitting flames as its magical body loses cohesion as it takes more and more damage.

Speaker A:

Something like that.

Speaker D:

So she leaps up from the ground, sort of like into the air, and just goes straight at it. Claws out as she starts to, like, rake. She rakes it with, gets one good hit in and it's like fire on fire action here. The golden flames almost go like, sort of almost white as they cut through, going hotter than its flames, and just this chunk of its flames comes right out.

Speaker A:

Nice. Okay, so I've got two of them left that have actions, obviously. One action each. Sure of them for getting up, and then two left each for other things. Give me a second here. Oh, hey, never mind. Give me a killing blow. Reason is I missed something on here. Gareth was right. There is a thing about water in here. Attacks with water or cold keyword against this creature, ignore any protection offered by armor.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Which would have put this over.

Speaker B:

I had hoped that since waterfall slam said elemental force of water, that it counted.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So what this one. Navigate, attacked, is actually going to fall apart and fall down. It's not dead, though. Not in the going out of flame. It's still got something going on, but it's definitely not up anymore. So the other one, the last one left, what is that going to do? So I was reading through its ability and it says, vulnerable to water. Why did I miss that before? I knew it had to be there. All right, Faye, I believe you had something on you that I was doing every round and I hadn't done that yet.

Speaker C:

That was that little flame thing with the d four?

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Oh, right, because I'm crispy.

Speaker A:

Yes. So two damage. That's two damage ignoring armor. And actually, as long as that doesn't reroll, nothing bad happens other than the direct damage. So that's just a free thing. And we're going to whip, whip, whip. Okay, minus whip, minus two. All right, so towards Linstat, because he made all the crazy stuff happen.

Speaker C:

I made the boomies happen.

Speaker A:

Yes. 15. Does that hit your physical?

Speaker C:

I don't think so. Hold on. If it does, I'm going to avoid blow.

Speaker A:

That sucker should have used karma now, thinking of that.

Speaker C:

Oh, yeah. No, that would hit. I will avoid blow.

Speaker A:

All right, try to avoid blow because.

Speaker C:

I have my yummy up, which is awesome.

Speaker A:

Aim for a 15.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I just got to find it here.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

Think I got out of the way.

Speaker A:

Holy crap. 55. Step 24. Okay. And Gareth, we're going to go with a step 21 where if anything were consistent, 15 to hit Gareth. And this is with claws, close combat. It's coming up closer.

Speaker B:

Okay, we're talking armor then physical defense. Physical defense is eleven.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

So that hits. Do you want to try to avoid blow?

Speaker B:

Yes, I would.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker B:

Remember I also have that.

Speaker A:

Yes, you definitely have that.

Speaker B:

Okay. And I can use karma on this or no?

Speaker A:

Yeah. If it's a talent, then I'm sure it's a talent for you. That's a miss. So we're going to go through with damage here. Oh, dear. One, we're going to use our good old horror karma for 43 minus armor. Oh, no. Step 21 for 43. Good Lord. All right.

Speaker C:

I'm glad you had good armor.

Speaker A:

What is your armor rating?

Speaker B:

My physical armor is eleven.

Speaker A:

Okay, so you take 32. Yes, I do. Yuch.

Speaker B:

Let's see, that'll be five. Let's see. 32 total.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And that's going to be a wound for sure.

Speaker B:

32 and one wound.

Speaker A:

Yes. Do you want to try to do a wound balance or knock down? Yes. Do you want to assume you fall over because this is going to be a high difficulty probably in the.

Speaker B:

Would very much like to try a wound balance or something.

Speaker A:

All right, roll wound balance. Or if not, it's just straight strength.

Speaker B:

Thankfully I have wound balance.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And I'm definitely going to be ranking that up because it's rank three right now. Yeah.

Speaker A:

Eleven is definitely not it. All right, so it comes in with claws. It actually forms claws, kind of like Navit does in its hands and rakes at you and knocks you over on your back. And next up is Gareth.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Might literally be next up. If you're going to get up as your action. Do I have something that everyone has? Jump up test, which you can use? Just a raw decks check. Difficulty six, I think it is. You take a point of string. If you fail, the only consequence is you're just going to have to get up naturally and take your turn. That way, Dex, you say yes.

Speaker B:

All right, might as well.

Speaker A:

Two. No. So you can either attack from the ground or just spend your action to get up.

Speaker B:

Yeah, screw it, I'm going to attack from the ground. I can do that.

Speaker A:

I'm pretty sure, yeah, you can give a kick at this thing.

Speaker B:

Let's see.

Speaker A:

Extra karma for pun.

Speaker B:

Let's do focus strike. I would like to do that again.

Speaker A:

Yes. So you're going to do elemental stance, because that'll give you the plus two to attack, which will you get a negative three for attacking from the ground. So that would net a negative one to your unarmed.

Speaker B:

Yeah, let's do that. And that's crushing below. That's focused strike. Okay, focus strike. Step to damage test. So, not yet.

Speaker A:

No, not yet. Just unarmed.

Speaker B:

See, if we hit just unarmed. You said minus one. Because I have plus two, otherwise it would be minus three.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Okay, so that's a twelve, not a 13. Yeah.

Speaker A:

No, you did have the option of karma there, by the way, but that's probably no helping. That five is a miss. You are still the ground.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I'm just going to stay there.

Speaker A:

Lindstat, you are hurting quite a bit. I'm sure by that. How close are you to unconsciousness for Gareth?

Speaker B:

I'm at 32. My unconscious is 85.

Speaker A:

All right, you're a gauntlet. You're beefy. You can take those kinds of hits.

Speaker C:

Who looks more damaged? Is it Faye or Gareth?

Speaker D:

Oh, face hurting. She's 54 out of 77.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I'm fine. This is the first damage I've taken. All fight.

Speaker C:

Yeah, okay, fair enough.

Speaker B:

It was just a big chunk all at one go. And I'm a little salty over the random number generator.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

I'm not mad at the rob. I'm not mad at the combat or anything.

Speaker D:

Damaged is neither of those two.

Speaker C:

I am aware that you look the.

Speaker D:

Worst, or best, depending on how you look at it.

Speaker B:

This is a besides the obvious sort of thing.

Speaker C:

Okay, so Linstad is going to fly up, and he's going to touch Navith and Faye in quick succession.

Speaker B:

And not like that.

Speaker C:

Does 26 hit your spell defenses? Whoever is higher? Actually, no.

Speaker D:

Say no. But no mystic defense.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Minus ten.

Speaker A:

Three extra successes.

Speaker C:

Okay. What about you, Faye?

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

Okay, so three extra successes. Wow. Okay, so you both take a recovery test at plus eleven.

Speaker D:

Okay. Recovery test. I shouldn't laugh yet. That's 16.

Speaker A:

I didn't know you could do combat healing in this. That's cool. Yeah.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I guess we've just never done that.

Speaker C:

Oh, I haven't really had two before. They're looking pretty beat up, so I.

Speaker D:

Get a whole eleven back.

Speaker A:

Eleven minus your wounds.

Speaker D:

So I get a whole nine.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

It's true. It is pretty good. And actually, we got through another round.

Speaker C:

Actually. No, that's not right, because you guys had your food, so it should be another plus six.

Speaker A:

You could roll a step six to add that if you want, because everybody.

Speaker C:

Always has heated food.

Speaker D:

It gets nothing.

Speaker A:

Two back. Well, you can get the two right. It would have been added to the.

Speaker C:

No. Why?

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

16 plus 622. Not bad.

Speaker A:

22 minus whatever wounds may have.

Speaker D:

Now I'm only mostly dead.

Speaker C:

That's actually what I thought at the last circle, was I can spend a karma point to double cast a spell on allies.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So that's how you're doing it. I was wondering.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

That's cool. All right, Faye. 32. That's pretty good initiative. What's Faye going to do with that one?

Speaker D:

Sorry, go ahead.

Speaker A:

No, one of them still standing. There's one on the ground that's still in flames and probably some equivalent of unconsciousness.

Speaker D:

Well, now that I've been given ample strain to spend. Thank you, Lindstadt. I'm going to do the standard array, as it were.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

All right. We'll see if anything happens.

Speaker A:

I'm going to also say you can get a blindside on this one because it's focused on Gareth at this moment. So that means it doesn't give you any benefit. It just lowers its defense by two.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Sometimes I forgot to mention field, things like that, because that makes sense for a swordmaster. You would try to get around and get in the back there.

Speaker C:

Get in the back door.

Speaker D:

Yeah. Just against the same one that I was already hitting.

Speaker A:

There only is one.

Speaker D:

Oh, okay, perfect.

Speaker A:

Unless there's the one on the ground you could poke at. Oh, that 16 is not enough. Even with a backstab.

Speaker D:

That's fair.

Speaker A:

Back to maneuver nine is definitely not enough. Poor Faye.

Speaker C:

It does not like you.

Speaker D:

No, again, it really does come down to what is your step. And if your step is this melee.

Speaker B:

Weapons, then explain my luck. Or lack thereof.

Speaker A:

All right, so maybe describe phase triple whiff here.

Speaker C:

Hold on.

Speaker A:

You got your second weapon? I always forget that, big buddy.

Speaker D:

Yes. No, I just have to do my.

Speaker A:

Bookkeeping on every karma and strain 20 will hit.

Speaker D:

There we go. Beautiful. Forged long spear. A whole. That's not how we type that. A whole eight damage.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Oh, dear.

Speaker A:

Oh, dear. Yeah, so that'll be a glancing blow, maybe. Describe your attack with a glancing blow.

Speaker D:

So Faye looks a little bit like she might be drunk and maybe it's the blood. Well, no, she's more crispy. So she's sort of shaking her head. And she's moving awkwardly because she's literally crispy. She's been scalded to the point that she's feeling stiff and uneven. And so the flaming spear in her right hand comes down from above and just completely misses. And with her left hand, she wrenches herself back and there's a sound. It's a little bit of a screeching sound, but there's, like, a note of disappointment to that screech.

Speaker A:

Yep. And then you take two points of damage as your skin does. All right, Gareth, I think it's going to repeat the same thing. I'm going to try to whip at Linstat, maybe use some karma this time, because it's got a wound or two. Good old horror karma. 16, though. Yes, I know it hits, but you're going to try to avoid blow. It's going to have to whip because you're in the air, right?

Speaker C:

Yes, that is true.

Speaker A:

You were.

Speaker C:

No, actually, I'm down below because I just need them.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So it have to turn whip you and kind of surprises you that it's able to twist around so quick.

Speaker C:

Now, does that go against physical or mystic?

Speaker A:

Otherwise you wouldn't be able to avoid blow. You would have to know that.

Speaker C:

I just feel thought.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Okay. And that's step 24 again.

Speaker A:

Shield mist.

Speaker C:

Yes. Good old shield mist.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker C:

And the mist bats it away.

Speaker A:

21. Let's see. I have almost never run out of karma on a creature before, but it is close, so, 18. Does that hit? Gareth? What's your physical for, Gareth, because you're.

Speaker B:

Going to be physical defense is eleven, so.

Speaker A:

Yes. Okay, so it's an effective nine because you're on the ground. It's negative two on the ground, right? Or is it negative three? It's negative three. Oh, negative two.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

It doesn't matter. It's only one extra success either way. So do you want to try to avoid blow from the ground?

Speaker B:

Yeah, I would very much like to.

Speaker A:

All right, roll, avoid blow. Minus three for being on the ground.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Obviously, you might want to use karma.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker A:

Wow. Okay. It comes in with the claws, and I'm guessing do a little roll on the ground, like, cinematic. Just. No, as this thing claws its molten hands into the ground, and maybe it would comically get stuck in the ground for a couple seconds. And as that's happening, Navith.

Speaker B:

I need to look something up.

Speaker D:

So, nav, is that she's still, like, right by the one, right or. No, because there's only one left. Right?

Speaker A:

There's only one left. And just like Faye, you could probably blindside this by going around while it's kind of got its claws in the crown trying to get Gareth.

Speaker D:

I'm just going to go straight at it.

Speaker A:

Okay. With the claw friends here.

Speaker D:

Yes. And I'm going to do 68 of 70 of 87. I could totally do ten.

Speaker C:

Oh, you're fine.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I can totally.

Speaker B:

I'm doing my turn.

Speaker A:

Well, I mean, you healed about that much, so you can totally do it.

Speaker D:

I can totally do the ten. So I'm going to do the ten. I'm just going to take my damage here.

Speaker B:

How many of these fire rates are left, Rob?

Speaker C:

Just the one.

Speaker A:

This is the last one.

Speaker B:

Damn it.

Speaker D:

So the first one that I do is going to use that devotion point.

Speaker A:

Yes. All right, roll that up.

Speaker D:

That is shoot big money again, 16 and using karma, 25 will hit.

Speaker A:

That'll definitely hit. That'll be an extra success on this.

Speaker D:

Do you want me to roll the damage for that one first?

Speaker A:

That's just one extra success. Yeah, let's roll the damage for that one first.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Because the rest of them are going to be a different. Actually, they're all going to be different for damage. Yeah. Roll this one first because you might want to know whether this just obliterates it in case you get a really good reroll in there.

Speaker D:

Okay, so that's a 19. Plus it was a one, so it gets two more points. So that's 21. And I'm going to use a devotion and a karma.

Speaker A:

29. All right, so minus armor, it's going to have to roll a knockdown. And it's already got a wound, so it is going to be falling over. It's not dead yet. It's in the motion of falling over. Now, do you want to do claw, friend?

Speaker D:

So it's not actually dead yet?

Speaker A:

Not dead. Not even unconscious or anything like that.

Speaker D:

Continuing with that claw frenzy then. Heck yeah. For ten of them. So that's 10%. 16 with karma times ten. Well, again, wow.

Speaker C:

Well, to be fair, it is unconscious. What's it.

Speaker D:

No, it wasn't unconscious.

Speaker A:

Oh, no, it was a wound with.

Speaker D:

The knockdown that nine did not hit.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

I don't even think it would have hit if it was unconscious.

Speaker A:

You're claw frenzing at air.

Speaker D:

Falls over really, really shit at claw frenzying right now. Wow.

Speaker C:

Lindstadt, I'm a thread weave, so we can just go to the next round.

Speaker A:

Okay. And Gareth, I think, was last here.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

And I'm actually surprised I can actually do this. I say that because I was going to fire blood and heal some damage, which I can only do if we were in combat, and thankfully, when I heard Naphth was going to do her clock frenzy, I'm like. And there's that option gone.

Speaker A:

No, it would be gone. It'd be in heat of combat, which I still consider, like, you could do it as the very next thing.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Mind you, Pam, that's not a complaint about you earlier. I'm just feeling a little salty because the random dice generator is deciding that.

Speaker D:

It'S going to bend me over, too. Huh. Look at all my ball frenzy.

Speaker C:

I don't know what you guys are talking about.

Speaker A:

Oh, boy. Yeah. So for Gareth's benefit, this thing is on the ground, too, so the negatives, you have to attack. It also has to defense.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

You could attack from the ground. You can also still try to jump up as well. Take the point of strain and roll the Dex. Check and counter that that way, too. Sounds like you can afford strain.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So I'll take strain and I'll do the Dex, which is with the wound, a five.

Speaker A:

So five. Trying to get a six. Seven. All right, you can get up. You did it as part of your action. And then. Yeah, do Noah, please.

Speaker C:

Hey, you rolled a single dice and you got what you needed. That is good. That is true.

Speaker A:

This is not something where rerolls would have helped you at all. Just getting a six is all you need.

Speaker B:

Unarmed combat. And it's on the ground. So I'm going to just unarmed combat attack. I'm going to angrily look down on it as I just stomp my foot on it at its head and miss, apparently.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And it just dodges out of the way a bit, just like you rolled before. It does a very similar kind of thing and rolls itself out of the way. Flame is really tricky to hit.

Speaker B:

I have a second attack. I know. I have a second attack.

Speaker A:

Okay, go for our second attack. Although I know that one's more difficult. Yeah, nine as well. Again, you're really getting frustrated, I'm sure Gareth.

Speaker B:

No, Eric is.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that, too. Just trying to step this fire out and he just can't do it. Oh, and it gets his action first. So first, Faye, you take two. Damage from your fire skin problem. It's going to use. There's some swearing. Yes. Action to get up and what's going to do.

Speaker C:

To run away.

Speaker A:

I mean, it's not really in its personality to do something like that.

Speaker C:

Fair enough.

Speaker A:

Gareth does 15. Hit your social defense.

Speaker B:

Social defense, yeah.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Yes. That's a 13.

Speaker A:

Okay. Basically needs to target someone feeling negative emotions right now, which definitely doing all right. It doesn't say this, but I'm going to have it do this. What was your social defense again? Sorry. It was 13, did you say?

Speaker B:

Yeah, 13.

Speaker A:

Okay. One. Okay. You lose a point of karma.

Speaker C:

Karma right out of you.

Speaker A:

And that's a free action. It is now. Going to really can't seem to whip that linstat. So throw whip at. We'll go after, I guess, at that flaming thing behind her. Go for Navith. 17. How many wounds does Navith have, by the way?

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Two. Okay, so that counterbalances its. Two. I forgot it has this feast of suffering thing. It gets plus one to attack and damage for every wound its targets has.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Counterbalances the wounds. It has.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

I wonder if it can teach me that.

Speaker D:

To your right.

Speaker A:

All right, now, at 32, that definitely.

Speaker D:

Hits my fiscal defense of 17.

Speaker A:

Do you want to try avoid blow?

Speaker D:

You know what? I'll take the one point of strain to do that. Why not? I'm going to fail miserably, but I can try.

Speaker A:

Oh, wait, you guys can't touch this.

Speaker D:

Can I also use my devotion point on this as well as the karma?

Speaker A:

Definitely. Oh, dear. I don't think you need to take the strength. Oh, no.

Speaker D:

If I didn't have those wounds.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

All right. How much damage is it?

Speaker A:

27. Minus your armor.

Speaker D:

And she's down.

Speaker A:

Claws at all. Right. Claws at Gareth. It's going to take a swipe. 15 against your physical.

Speaker B:

Physical defense is. Eleven.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Same physical armor.

Speaker A:

So you can try to. You have 15 armor or No? 1111. Yeah. Wow. Okay, you can try to avoid blow. Target is 15.

Speaker B:

Let's see. Avoid blow strain.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Eight. Okay. You still get hit, right? So 23. It has no. Carmen, did it use that point back there? Yeah. 19 minus your armor. So I guess you take eight points in that case. All right. And that is it for its map.

Speaker D:

Of fire has gone out.

Speaker A:

Oh, no, not the first time.

Speaker D:

Yeah, but this time it's literal. It's literally and figuratively that her fire.

Speaker A:

Has gone out again. You all see this firewaith whip out at Navith, knock her down, and she goes out in a puff of smoke. Just falls to the ground. And Gareth gets wiped at with some fiery claws. Maybe takes a scratch, but it's still on his feet and everything. Faye, what do you do?

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Faye already went since fire Wraith. Then Faye.

Speaker C:

Oh, did I miss the wrong one?

Speaker A:

That was the last.

Speaker D:

Finally my bad. Got beat.

Speaker A:

Finally got beat for once, but I.

Speaker D:

Still get to take my damage for it.

Speaker A:

This thing had step 16, initiative and never really beat anyone. That's the time.

Speaker D:

Okay. Mine's step 16, too, for now. Okay. Melee. No, maneuver.

Speaker C:

Do we do the things.

Speaker D:

See, where am I getting close to maxing out my karma?

Speaker A:

21 will hit.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

One success.

Speaker D:

One success. So that means. Oh, I haven't been using that properly. Oh, well. And so 14 plus two. Oh, man.

Speaker A:

That'll hit one success.

Speaker D:

My goodness, my belly.

Speaker A:

Oh, I thought that was maneuver. Sorry.

Speaker D:

No, I don't get my. Anticipate this round.

Speaker A:

So that is just a regular old success.

Speaker D:

Regular old success on your melee weapons. Take it. Okay. Twelve plus five is 17. And burn as much karma as we got. 14 damage minus armor.

Speaker A:

And second weapon.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Eleven is going to whiff. You want to describe that attack?

Speaker D:

She sort of back up focuses, but she's in so much pain right now that it's just basically uses. It takes so much momentum to pull her first spear back that she misses on the second one.

Speaker A:

Nice. And up is Gareth.

Speaker B:

Okay, so I'm standing. It's not still.

Speaker A:

No, it's up. It spent one of its actions to get up.

Speaker B:

Okay, we are going to unarmed combat.

Speaker A:

Sounds like a plan. 14. So that's a miss. I want to try second attack.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Even though I can't. Karma. It's still something. Yeah. No.

Speaker A:

Okay, you want to describe your.

Speaker B:

No, not really.

Speaker A:

I think Gareth, in his anger and rage, being drained of karma, is flailing at this thing. Probably heavily distracted by nav being knocked over, Faye missing completely all the time.

Speaker B:

Yeah, these things are just.

Speaker A:

Faye got a little damage in this one, but Faye's struggling with it.

Speaker B:

I mean, to be fair, so did I. I did get that one. Decent.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

With that one. Good role. Just everything since then has know just enough to be. No. Which is beyond irritating for some reason today.

Speaker A:

And Lindstadt.

Speaker C:

Okay, I will spell cast.

Speaker A:

Okay, 30. That will definitely hit. Okay, that'll be two extra successes.

Speaker C:

Okay, let's see what the damage is, then. Sorry, math is hard.

Speaker A:

Arguments there.

Speaker C:

22 plus nine said two extra successes.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Five. I'll use my bone charts because I can.

Speaker A:

Okay. Yeah. Describe your killing block.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:


Speaker C:

He just, like. He looks over and sees Nabith down, and he's like, no. And he basically not again. Leans back and he hucks a spear, an astral spear, and it branches into two. And one goes into the one that's down but not dead. And the other one hits the one that's still up and just pierces right through it and just kind of crumbles.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Oh, Nevis.

Speaker D:

Tiny little burnt. Tiny little burnt body.

Speaker A:

Yeah, she looks bad. Like, definitely burned a lot more than she should be.

Speaker C:

I'm going to try and reatune my matrix on the fly.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Can't imagine why. Right?

Speaker A:

Yes. Okay.

Speaker D:

Faye stabs one of them a couple extra times. Like, it's not pretty, but there's a lot of emotion there.

Speaker C:

There we go. Okay. Yeah, I think I can attune.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah, that's your attunement. All right. That takes a round. Right?

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

All right, so that's one ring.

Speaker C:

Yes. And that will change this to this. Sorry, I'm just changing up my grimoire because I'm switching things over. Where is it? Oh, there it is. Last chance.

Speaker A:

Look up that spell. I know what last I'm doing. I know how the last chance salve works, but I don't know how the spell works. Here we go. So, plus four bonus recovery test to a dead character is the effect. It's touch one thread, one round fast, because the last chance sav takes, like, five minutes to use. Or is this thing a little better? Must be cast within 1 minute. So within ten rounds.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So I will thread weave because I got to do threads.

Speaker C:

No, it's in an enhanced matrix, but I want extra threads for it so I can increase the effect.

Speaker A:

You probably swapped it into an enhanced. That would make sense, yes.

Speaker C:

Why wouldn't I? Okay.

Speaker A:

So it's different. The last chance to have in that it doesn't give all the recovery tasks they have left, but just one.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Okay, perfect. So that gets me three extra threads, which is what I need, and then I will. Oh, yeah, I'm going to use karma on that. Okay, let's see what I can do for success levels here.

Speaker A:

All right, is this a spell casting test?

Speaker C:

It sure is.

Speaker A:

All right, this is round four since she died, so six left.

Speaker C:

Okay. I use karma on it.

Speaker A:

I do.

Speaker C:

Anything else to do that? No, because I use those in the battle. Dang it should have taken the time to reatune my things. Oh, well.

Speaker A:

23 23 against. What's Navis spell defense if she was awake. Eleven. Defense. Eleven. All right, so what do we got? Two extra successes there.

Speaker C:

Pam, if you're talking your things shut off.

Speaker D:

Oh, sorry. Ten.

Speaker A:

Okay, so you get your to roll your effect test now. Okay, so that is plus four for the two extra successes.

Speaker C:

I don't think I roll an effect test on this, do I?

Speaker A:

Oh, maybe it's just plus four bonus recovery test. All right. Okay. Success levels. Can do plus two bonus. Yeah. So plus four.

Speaker C:

Three extra threads and two extra successes is plus ten. So. Plus your.

Speaker A:

Plus 14.

Speaker C:

Plus 14.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Recovery test. Plus 14 for Navith.

Speaker C:

Big money.

Speaker A:

Who's looking really creative?

Speaker D:

Okay, so recovery test is five. Plus 1114.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

So that's 19.

Speaker C:

Big money. Can you use karma on recovery tests?

Speaker A:

No, it's not a conscious thing. 15. What does that bring you to? Does bring you to alive status.

Speaker D:

Let me just.

Speaker C:

Minus wounds.

Speaker A:

No, I guess you're not alive. Status.

Speaker D:

Oh, do you stop at 87 or do you keep going? Because I just keep added going. Yeah. That I'm not even alive.

Speaker A:

Okay, so where are you at? How far are you at from.

Speaker D:

Oh, no, wait. I am sorry. 82 of 87.

Speaker A:

Okay. Oh, yeah, you're live.

Speaker D:

Yay. I'm just unconscious still. But the chest does start to move ever so slightly. Yay.

Speaker A:

Think during that navit, you find yourself back in that dream again.

Speaker D:

This time.

Speaker A:

And the thing comes out of the flame again and looking a little more somber and says, well, it's time to celebrate a good life. And then you get pulled out.

Speaker D:

Celebrate a good life. As I'm about to open my mouth to tell it, and I'm gone.

Speaker A:

The last thing you see is a little bit of surprise from it as it sees you getting pulled away, maybe a short cheer.

Speaker D:

Starts to look ants again. And my chest. Everything.

Speaker A:

Unconscious, though. Yeah.

Speaker C:

Okay, guys, come on over. It's time for healing. And he'll cast heat food on some jerky. Yes. Heat food on the jerky, because you got to do heat food.

Speaker D:

Hey, limp.

Speaker C:

I just can't remember what heat food does. I think it's plus two, isn't it?

Speaker A:

Or plus four. I have it because it takes a while. I think it gives more. It's plus four to the next recovery test.

Speaker D:

Now, is there waiting time?

Speaker C:

Target numbers?

Speaker A:

Waiting time. It takes them a minute for a while. Yeah, you got to touch the meal. Spell casting target of six.

Speaker C:

What do extra effects do? That's what I'm just trying to figure.

Speaker A:

Plus one to the meal. Oh, plus one meal. Oh, yeah. Plus one meal. That means more people you can feed. Yay.

Speaker C:

Okay, good, because I need route four.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Each person will get plus four on their recovery test. Navith can't eat right now, so she's not going to be getting anything out of that.

Speaker C:

I could stick it in her mouth and watch her choke. No, that's probably not.

Speaker D:

You stick it in her mouth and it just sits there.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

She just has jerky in her mouth.

Speaker C:

Okay, hold on. Now cast recovery again.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I don't think I'll need you to roll that because I going to eventually work. Because you can probably chain cast that. But what happens when she runs out of recovery tests in that does that?

Speaker C:

I don't think it works anymore if.

Speaker A:

She doesn't have any recovery.

Speaker D:

I have one more left for this.

Speaker A:

Round, so you can maybe do one, I guess.

Speaker C:

And I'll do the usual because I got lots of time. I'll just throw the extra threads in and everything. And so basically, I'll just need the effect test and we'll go from there.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we'll need an effect test and then we can tell everybody can do their gets as a bonus.

Speaker C:

Yes. Everybody else gets the bonus, too.

Speaker A:

Oh, wow. That's more like it. It's more timely with Navis, though. So we'll see. With. That's like sixes.

Speaker C:

I'll do the extra cast. I'll spend a karma.

Speaker A:

What's the extra cast? Sorry.

Speaker C:

So that's where I can target two people.

Speaker A:

Oh, I see. Yeah.

Speaker C:

So I'll probably do fake as she looks more beat up than Gareth.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Wait, actually, is the crispiness continuing?

Speaker A:

That stops once it's dead.

Speaker C:

Okay, who has the higher spell defense?

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

You have eleven. Is that right?

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

And what's yours, Faye?

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

Okay, so ten. So that's Ods. That is seven extra successes.

Speaker A:

Plus 14.

Speaker C:

Plus 14. And it's plus five to start with, so plus 19. No, that doesn't sound right. Oh, and threads.

Speaker B:

You said I get a plus four on my recovery test.

Speaker D:

Yeah, plus 25.

Speaker C:

Plus 25.

Speaker D:

So 30 altogether?

Speaker C:

No. If your test is five, then yes.

Speaker A:

That's ridiculous.

Speaker C:

Your recovery test, plus 25. And then I'll do for Gareth here so that he doesn't feel left out.

Speaker B:

Well, you don't have to. I was fine with the heat. Meal on the jerky.

Speaker A:

I just wanted to ask.

Speaker C:

Actually, it's. What's my spell defense? Because I'm going to do it on myself, too.

Speaker B:

I think mine would be lower than yours, I would say.

Speaker C:

Yes, it would.

Speaker A:

Out of all this, Navith, 23, minus your wounds, you probably are defense.

Speaker D:

Her eyes. So, as this is all going down and people are healing, Navis eye is just like, very slowly sort of open. As everybody's, like, busy healing. They're recovering as Linsette's casting.

Speaker C:

It's only plus 15 for us.

Speaker B:

Gareth. Oh, only. All right.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

She gets a hug from Gareth.

Speaker D:

You're alive. Oh, that kind of hurts. That kind of hurts. Gentle, gentle, gentle. My tiny bones are fragile. Right now.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Did I win?

Speaker C:

You totally won.

Speaker D:

That. You're too loud. Somebody carry me. I don't want to fly. Thank you. My wings hurt. And she just kind of like wraps her arms around his neck to carry him.

Speaker C:

Okay, you guys can sit here. I got to do some things. I'm going to start trying to collect some elemental fire. Yes.

Speaker A:

You notice because you're the one carrying Navit, right. You notice that as some of the burn marks actually flake off of her, the whole effect of the last chance spell uncrispifying her. She actually has a new tattoo, sort of, kind of a flame tattoo on her arm.

Speaker B:

Gareth just kind of pokes very gently at his, like.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

You got something new there?

Speaker D:

Do I have a scar? She looks down at it.

Speaker B:

It's a tattoo of some kind.

Speaker D:

I think that's an awesome scar.

Speaker B:

Sounds like you had a special time while you were out.

Speaker D:

I did.

Speaker A:

And mechanically, Navit, you have the ability to go up one more rank quester from that.

Speaker C:

Nice. Okay.

Speaker A:

Because I think that counts as a major devotion. Active devotion, I think it's called. And you get basically your devotion points back that you would have spent.

Speaker D:

Sweet. Swim back to the 16.

Speaker C:

Detect true element. 16.

Speaker A:

Oh, this is for detecting some true elemental fire around, right?

Speaker C:

Yes, because I have to redo it because it's been a while.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I got this close. See if there's anything that this thing leaves behind. It doesn't look like it. So I'm going to say that maybe you're able to harvest some true elemental fire from these things. If that's what you're looking for. That is what I'm looking for. Okay.

Speaker C:

Do you want me to do my harvest?

Speaker A:

What was his name, the engineer on the ship? Korsk or something like that.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

No, not Karsk. Where is it? I gotta see if I can find him. In my notes here. It was a K something. He was like an orc, wasn't he? Krolsch? Yeah, I knew I was close to that. So Kroshk, the elemental engineer, he's going to come out with what you recognize to be a containment unit for trillamental fire, because you can't just carry that stuff around. You need to actually contain it in a oracalcum container.

Speaker C:

Yeah, we have one.

Speaker A:

Oh, you have one? Okay. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know you had one.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

All right, well.

Speaker D:

That we found that crashed had one, didn't it?

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Oh, yeah, that's kind of what I'm saying. He's bringing out. Okay, so he's bringing out the one.

Speaker C:

That we have in the cargo hold?

Speaker A:

Basically, yeah.

Speaker C:

Okay, perfect.

Speaker A:

He's bringing out oraclecum container and you can use that, contain the stuff.

Speaker C:

Okay, do I want me to do detect or harvest? Two element test.

Speaker A:

Yeah, roll that.

Speaker C:

I'm just reading what it does.

Speaker A:

Stuff is kind of unstable.

Speaker C:

Yes. Okay, so where is the number for the 129? Okay, hold on. Let's see what the difficulty number is.

Speaker A:

Is it in the companion? Yeah. Difficulty number is twelve. For fire.

Speaker C:

There you go. Okay.

Speaker A:

You get it?

Speaker C:

Okay, I get to pick up some kernels. A kernel of true fire.

Speaker A:

Okay. Yeah. It doesn't really say how many kernels you get with something like that. So we'll say there's, I guess, three. One for each. I don't know how abundant these things are supposed to be. Let's see.

Speaker C:

I don't think they're that abundant.

Speaker A:

No. So maybe one for each elemental that you took down.

Speaker C:

Okay, excellent.

Speaker A:

I think it's wood. That is the one that's like, a bit more.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's easy to harvest. Just hard to find.

Speaker A:

Super easy to harvest, but, yeah, more difficult to find. You guys have lots of it. Because of reason.

Speaker C:

So much because of ungodly numbers.

Speaker A:

All right, so what are you doing with this stuff?

Speaker C:

Okay, here you go, Nevis. Do you want to do the thing or carry it?

Speaker A:

Or you can wait a couple of days.

Speaker C:

Maybe we can wait until everybody heals up.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I need a few days. Hey, Lindsette. Lindstett, I got a new scar. Look.

Speaker B:

You sound like you need more than just a couple of days.

Speaker D:

There, look at my new scar.

Speaker C:

I will look at it in astral space because it looks fun.

Speaker A:

50 astral saint. So it is visible in astral space. What's it look like? Looks like. Actually, it's kind of animated in astral space, as if it's a flickering flame kind of thing.

Speaker C:

It's a flickery.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

It flickers in astral space.

Speaker D:

Take a look. She tries looking at astral space as well. Yeah, she does.

Speaker C:

It's only spraying. It's fine.

Speaker B:

It's not like you're going to go blind like some other character we might know.

Speaker C:

See, it's the great.

Speaker A:

Oh, God. She can't.

Speaker D:

Did I even get in?

Speaker A:

No, that's a difficulty. Nine. So. No.

Speaker D:

Yeah, she tries. No, I'm too tired. I sleep now.

Speaker C:

When you're feeling better, we'll look at it again.

Speaker D:

Okay? Gareth, take me to my pile of a cuddle puddle.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker D:

Want to go have a cuddle puddle with all the fluffies I will make her.

Speaker B:

And he gently just kind of pats her head and strokes her hair as he walks off towards the ship to take her to the cuddle puddle.

Speaker C:

I'll follow because I want to cast the air mattress so she heals faster.

Speaker A:

Oh, my God. Doing everything.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's kind of my thing.

Speaker A:

All right. I'm assuming you're probably going to take a couple days.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

This can be time for downtime stuff before the next session. You can probably, like, there's a couple of things you want to raise ranks. That might be the couple of days.

Speaker D:

I can go up in my quester thing.

Speaker A:

Raise your quester thing. And it's 8 hours of meditation to raise something. Right. So you can get that in a couple of times. In a couple of days. Because I know Gareth wanted to raise some ranks and some stuff.

Speaker B:

There were a couple that I wanted to handle.

Speaker D:

The month long combat is.

Speaker A:

My God, that was a long one. He had made a GM job a little easier, though. I didn't have to come up much. Not that I don't have a long list of things still there.

Speaker C:

I am naming that one Navith. Almost exit stage right. Ouch.

Speaker D:

Oh, gosh. The name for that one is. And the flame goes out.

Speaker B:

I'm just naming a month long combat.

Speaker D:

There's that too.

Speaker A:

All right. So after a couple of days, is anything anybody wants to do, particular days that beyond the downtime stuff that you'll probably just do between sessions?

Speaker C:

Actually, I'll go back to that spot and see if we can find some more elemental fire in the actual place.

Speaker D:

Because why not lava?

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I mean, you can spend some time doing that and maybe roll a couple harvest rolls. Pretty easy. They're all the same. Okay. While you're there. Okay. We'll call it day one. And day 227 does recruiting pretty well, though. Yeah. Three extra successes. Just.

Speaker C:

Which is three extra successes. That'd be four kernels. If I can find a pocket one more.

Speaker A:

No, I think that's two days. So we'll go with that. So you get three more. I was. I had in my head there was an effect test, but that is the effect. Four kernels.

Speaker C:

So that gives us seven total. So, Pam, you should probably write that down. Seven kernels of elemental fire.

Speaker D:

How many kernels do we have then?

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

Seven. Okay.

Speaker A:

I don't know who wants to take the lead here in terms of what things are going to happen.

Speaker D:

Oh, Navis is really not doing much of anything. She is, like, sleeping and paying attention to her animals right now for the few days because she needs to pretty much rest most of it.

Speaker A:

So I'm thinking, like, after a couple of days, does she start talking about maybe trying to feed simmer once she's feeling.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Yeah. And I think in those couple of days, Gareth will basically nurse made her since Lindstatt would be working with the elemental fire. And I'm not sure what Faye would.

Speaker D:

Be doing occasionally, but just sort of wander a little bit between Navit and simmer and whatever makes sense.

Speaker A:

Okay. I'm just trying to get a sense of what the group would do next because you've been parked here for a little bit. Go ahead, Pam.

Speaker D:

Probably do the feeding.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Would be sort of the next thing. Once everybody's healed up, I would think.

Speaker A:

We'Ll say it's like three days later, maybe. Lindstadt, you can get an extra try on an elemental kernel there.

Speaker C:

If I can get ten, I can put a coin up. No.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker C:

I got this area of mind out.

Speaker A:

So how do you handle the kernel and feed it to simmer?

Speaker C:

From what I understand, I just kind of coat my hand with magic and I can reach in and pull it out and then here you go, little.

Speaker A:

Buddy, and I'll give him one. The fox is kind of dancing around like a puppy kind of thing and takes it and starts chewing on it. And you notice that he starts glowing much more brightly, kind of somewhat intense. You can actually feel a lot of heat coming off of him. It's normally just like. It's a simmer, so simmer. Not usually so hot and flaming. But this is like a stove now, this fox.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

And he seems to be chewing very happily.

Speaker D:

Is he sitting on our wooden.

Speaker A:

It's magical flame. So it's not going to.

Speaker D:

Just checking.

Speaker B:

How much do we have to feed him before we find out if they ask?

Speaker A:

Well, it wasn't so much that you. Yeah. So you don't know how much you have to feed before you ask. Could be one, could be two, could be three. You don't know.

Speaker C:

Find out.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

You remember now, budy.

Speaker A:

He kind of tilts his head. Oh, right. And you can talk to him, right?

Speaker C:

I sure can.

Speaker A:

Okay, remember what? What do you want me to remember?

Speaker C:

Your home. We're going to go back to your home.

Speaker A:

Don't remember, but Danny's kind of lost in thought a little bit.

Speaker B:

Don't worry about it. Just eat up. And we should probably give him a second one.

Speaker C:

I got another one. If you can remember.

Speaker A:

It looks up at you and kind of wags its tail. A couple sparks go off to the side and I'm sure faze probably looking and going, it better not catch fire.

Speaker D:

Basically, some feelings about fire right now. Love you. Simmer.

Speaker B:

But yeah.

Speaker A:

What do you do next?

Speaker C:

Wait and see if he remembers.

Speaker A:

I'll get Egypt. Roll a perception test. Not awareness, just more of a knowledge thing. So just straight perception.

Speaker C:

Straight perception, right.

Speaker B:

What about the wounds were those can.

Speaker A:

Go away by now. Okay.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

You can assume those are gone by now. It's kind of why three days seem to make sense. Because that would mean each morning you would wake up and remove one automatically.

Speaker B:

That's true. Okay. Perception.

Speaker D:

It's just straight perception.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

That is step 512.

Speaker C:

Can I use on perception only?

Speaker A:

Probably not. It's a knowledge skill test type of thing. And Faye, I thought that was.

Speaker D:

Yeah, sorry, perception one. Yeah.

Speaker B:

He is more worried about the ship catching on fire.

Speaker A:

Very distracted. Gareth remembers. And I bet it's because Navis has kind of died since and Lindstadt's been very distracted by everything. Gareth remembers that there was something fairly specific Navis said that was in her dream that says to tell him to take you home. Not ask him what his home is.

Speaker B:

But to tell him I'm going to have him. I can pick up these fire elemental bits, right?

Speaker A:

No, I don't think so.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I think it's just that thing.

Speaker D:

Because he needs magic for it.

Speaker A:

You would need specific magic to do that. I think you might be able to pull that off. Body control? In theory, maybe. I don't know.

Speaker B:

I don't want to risk getting burned. Not after Lenstatt. Give him one more of those kernels.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

I will reach in and grab one more.

Speaker B:

And before he does, he's going to get Simmer's attention. He's like, okay, buddy, if you want one more of these, you have to take us home.

Speaker A:

He tilts his head a bit and he's chewing on it. And then you see him start to float in the air a bit more. Like he's always somewhat floating in the air. So he's not burning everything, but he's starting to twirl around as he munching on this and swallows it up. And he gets a little bigger, actually, probably like 1015 percent bigger. And that would be funny.

Speaker D:

He's a little chunker.

Speaker B:

If it worked for Luna.

Speaker A:

He spins around and begins more or less like floating off the ground, a lot higher and higher and spinning, and he's headed off in a particular direction that you could.

Speaker D:

There we go. I think we need to follow. Hey, I'm going to fly up. Hey, I've captained of this ship. Follow that fox.

Speaker B:

Well, you're feeling better.

Speaker A:

Well, yeah. Every once in a while, you notice that somewhere stops, looks back, like a dog kind of thing, waiting for you to catch up. Roll ear sailing for whoever's ear sailing.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

Air sailing.

Speaker B:

All right, there it is.

Speaker A:

Eleven is good. It's extra success on an average day.

Speaker B:

Oh, wait, I'm on the airship. I get double karma.

Speaker A:

Yeah, exactly. You're on the ship and you're taking an action. 31 is pretty darn good. So, yeah, narratively, Gareth is excellent. This, you are able to not only follow this fox, you notice after. We'll see about 20 minutes. And even though others are starting to, I'm sure, navigate is starting to get are we there yet? Type of thing or something. You're really focused and you're just watching. And you notice that at one point, this fox just vanishes into thin air up ahead.

Speaker D:

What's wrong?

Speaker B:

He vanished.

Speaker C:

That's good. No, keep going, keep going.

Speaker B:

Go for where he. All right.

Speaker C:

Yeah, yeah, no, it's fine. Totally fine.

Speaker B:

Okay, I'm going to follow Linstat's instructions.

Speaker A:

All right? I'm going to get you to roll one more air sailing for Gareth. Okay.

Speaker B:

Not navigation.

Speaker A:

Good question. Yeah. If you have navigation, let's roll navigation.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Although, no, because navigation is more about plotting courses, things like that. This is going to be reactionary. God damn it. 13 is pretty good, considering you're 31 from before this.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Failure or anything. Yeah. You pass into something as you're going in the air, similar as you pass through this spot that you don't really notice anything at first, but then suddenly there is land in front of you and you have to react very quickly to pull the ship up higher or else you're about to crash into the hot crap of some land.

Speaker C:

See, I knew it.

Speaker D:

Pull up. Pull up.

Speaker B:

Yeah, he's going to turn the wheel and go.

Speaker A:

Shit. And you just barely make it over the edge. And maybe you get a little bit of grass on the hull or something like that, just at the very bottom.

Speaker D:

Don't you crash my ship.

Speaker A:

As you see. Kind of an island in the sky in front of you that you are only a few feet above because you just barely missed the edge there. And you see simmer dancing around at a spot where there seems to be a lot of brambles and overgrowth, just fines and shrubs, and it's just really open off in the distance. You do see a hill? Not really a mountain. And a couple areas of trees, like little cops of woods kind of things. But in general, this place looks fairly overgrown, and I want everyone to. Awareness. Perception.

Speaker C:

Awareness is way better.

Speaker A:

Faye's still worried about that.

Speaker D:

Faye's now worried because the ship almost hit the island.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I'm doing my best perception.

Speaker A:

I'm sure it's partly, like, faze, like. Wait. I didn't know we could crash into an island when we're on an airship. That doesn't make sense.

Speaker D:

Wait, where did that land come from?

Speaker A:

This is why you avoid sailing on the sea.

Speaker B:

Somebody calls it land ho.

Speaker A:

What? Yeah, that definitely happens. All right. 24. Lindstag, you notice that the overgrowth here seems to be covering up a lot of old stones in a circle shape. And, Navith, on your 20, this is a lot like what you saw in your dream, except really overgrown and maybe old. No one's been tending to this place at all. It was a lot more pretty before. Like a garden kind of thing? Like a landscaped area. Yeah. A lot more tended is what it seems.

Speaker B:

Older, conflicted.

Speaker C:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker D:

If we could figure out how to sell this, this would be awesome. I think this is where I saw in my dreams, only less bushy. I think we need to do some bush maintenance.

Speaker C:

Got to trim the hedges. Can I check it out in natural space?

Speaker A:

Yeah, actually, that would be an interesting idea. What is your actually plan? Actually, I actually want you to roll in addition to thing there. Roll a nethermancer, half register. Okay.

Speaker D:

I would like to look into astral space.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

But I'm just me.

Speaker C:

Nethermancer, half magic. Whoa.

Speaker A:

Oh, boy. 30. Okay.

Speaker C:

Holy crap. Okay.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Navith can see in astral space.

Speaker D:

I also look at my tattoo as.

Speaker A:

It is indeed flickering. Very nice. Yeah. So a couple of things. We'll start with Lindstadt. You are definitely sensing spirits here. You don't know how many, but there's definitely a lot of spirit activity around here. And I think, Lindstadt, as you look back at all, you do see that there is some kind of magic encompassing this place. Probably something shrouding it from, making it be out of view from everywhere else. And, Gareth, give you something for your 14 on your perception before. Yeah, you see, simmer, actually in an open patch of land where there is a fairly obvious hole in the ground, and step out of it, a troll starts walking out, like, as if there's stairs there or something. And this troll or troll shaped person. I mean, it's distant, walks out. Fairly big horns and a lot of decorations on the horns. There's something hanging from the horn. And you think it's a troll woman? You're not sure? And simmer is kind of just like, dancing around her.

Speaker B:

Hey, guys, I think we got our destination. As he points to the large shaped thing. Shadow, silhouette. I know words. And simmer dancing around.

Speaker D:

Well, yeah, I know we are, because this is the place from my dream. Only overgrown Navith.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

Oh, hi.

Speaker C:

Oh, dear.

Speaker A:

And you see this troll woman kind of standing there looking a little confused, maybe possibly annoyed.

Speaker D:

That's people's usual reaction to me.

Speaker A:

Yes, you said it. We didn't going to try to anchor the ship or just fly straight to her.

Speaker D:

We should probably anchor the ship and head over. Be polite. Don't sail our ship on top of her.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

Speaker C:

Can I do a detect spirits?

Speaker B:

I'm also going to take extra care when docking the ship because I don't want to piss her off any further than she might already be.

Speaker D:

Don't worry, that'll happen when I talk to her.

Speaker A:

All right. What was the 25 for again? That's a detect spirit. Okay, so what does that do?

Speaker C:

Spirits around?

Speaker A:

Oh, there definitely is. But does it give you something specific, though, about the spirits.

Speaker C:

Location, what they look like?

Speaker A:

Let me see if I can find the ability. Is it a spell?

Speaker C:

Basically, it's a thing from nethermancer. Like you use a half magic to detect spirits nearby?

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's what I had you do before.

Speaker D:

That's what you just did. There are spirits there?

Speaker C:

Yeah, but it actually lets you know kind of where they are and stuff. Basically see them.

Speaker A:

Okay. All right. So you're taking more the active approach as opposed to the passive GM one. Okay. Why don't you throw a question at me, I guess for. What is it?

Speaker C:

What did you get?

Speaker A:

Two questions.

Speaker C:

Two questions. Are there any nethermancer spirits nearby?

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Okay. Are there any name giver spirits nearby?

Speaker A:

Yes, lots.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

Those are your two questions.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:


Speaker A:

That's your two. Who is.

Speaker D:

I'm flying over.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

I don't think anybody wants to stay behind.

Speaker A:

And you see her kind of patting zimmer on the head, but she doesn't look like she's familiar with simmer specifically in any way. She is kind of very curious, kind of betting down and patting him as best as she. That's probably also a weird thing. She's patting simmer. I'm not sure if any of you have really been able to do that, except for maybe Lindstat. The burning, specifically.

Speaker B:

I did it once.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah, that's true. Elemental types.

Speaker D:

Hi. That's simmer. I'm Navis.

Speaker A:

I see navis, and she's squinting at you. She's kind of dark skin, almost purplish skin to her. She's adorned in an outfit you don't usually trolls in. More almost martha scrang. Like a little brighter in color, a little more flair to everything. But not kind of like. It's not like she's a swordmaster or something like that. It's more. Just seemed to be more culturally disgrang is what you're noticing. And I'm going to navit the role. Additional awareness.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Nine. Okay, that's enough to just barely notice that her ears, unlike most trolls, is actually kind of.

Speaker D:

Guys. What did Simmer keep calling you? Octok. Are you octok?

Speaker A:

No, I am.

Speaker D:

You're not an octok.

Speaker A:

Well, that's a term I've not heard in a long time.

Speaker D:

We'd never heard it before until Simmer kept calling her one.

Speaker A:

Interesting. Well, I'm votana. No players recognize it. I will get fade roll. So just perception.

Speaker D:

Okay, you are cutting out a lot.

Speaker A:

Probably plus two, because it is something I know that you took notes on.

Speaker D:

So, perception plus two.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Thank you, seven. Okay, that's pretty good enough to get be like. I recognize that name. It is a name you came across in some of the notes you copied down a while back from various legends and things you were tracking. I can't remember the exact source.

Speaker D:

Yes, she's a fire dancer.

Speaker A:

No, she wasn't a fire dancer specifically. She was someone who was known in the. To appear here and there at opportune times to help people out in different situations.

Speaker D:

My note says fire dancers track down someone named.

Speaker A:

A. Here's one. Okay. Faye probably doesn't know whether she's a fire dancer or not, but she does know that she probably knows something about the fire dancers.

Speaker D:

So. In fact, let's just go with my silliness and I'll face sort of beg your part of. Are you one of the fired answers?

Speaker A:

I am not curious. How did you find this place?

Speaker D:

Oh, I had a dream. So, I had a dream about the circle of stones. Except it wasn't as grown over as it is now. And I was looking through one of them and saw, like, into another place. And then in my dream, I was told that we needed to feed simmer some elemental flame thingies and to tell him to take us.

Speaker A:

Hmm. Well, since it is home. But this is a gateway to his home. Come, come, let's have, I don't know, dinner.

Speaker D:

Oh, I like dinner.

Speaker A:

Random fire. Yay.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

I have drinks and I'll fly back towards the ship to get drinks.

Speaker A:

I have a guess that this one here, Navith, will really appreciate a good fire, I'm thinking. Oh yes, as she kind of winks at you. Namegivers an Earth dawn actual Play podcast uses the earththorn RPG system by FASA Games and also makes use of Creative Commons music from various artists. See the episode notes for a track list and full credits. If you'd like to come chat with us about the show, join us on the Namegivers channel in the actual place. A discord server for actual play podcasts. The link is in the episode notes.

One of the group has fallen, but the Flame Wraiths persist.

The Namegivers podcast is a casual Actual Play podcast of an Earthdawn campaign. Learn more about Earthdawn at https://fasagames.com/earthdawn-whatis/

The cast in this episode includes:

  • Lindstadt, the Windling Nethermancer, Elementalist, and Astral Vanguard: Noah
  • Navith, a Windling Beastmaster and "Party Planner" (Questor of Floranuus): Pam
  • Fe'Ankrah, a Troll Spear Dancer (Swordmaster): Kirsten
  • Garreth, a Human Gauntlet and Balance Seeker: Erik
  • Game Master: Rob


Come chat with us about our shows on the Actual Playce, a Discord dedicated to TTRPG Actual Plays like ours: https://discord.gg/v6K4ArjBmN



Music: Rise Up, Stand Up and Chase by Alexander Nakarada Licensed under CC BY 4.0

Music: In The Name of Kahless by Miguel Johnson Licensed under CC BY 4.0

Music: Lord of War, Heartfelt Tears, Indian Dreamscape by MusicLFiles Licensed under CC BY 4.0

Music: Romantic Guitars by Frank Schrter Licensed under CC BY 4.0

Music: Rivers of the Sky by Rafael Krux Licensed under CC BY 4.0

Music: Vedic Meditations by Tim Kulig Licensed under CC BY 4.0

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